February 2012

While overstock supplies last, Reformation Heritage Books has a sale on Richard Gamble’s book The Whole Counsel of God: Vol. 1 God’s Mighty Acts in the Old Testament for only $17.50! That’s cheaper than Amazon even if you are a Prime Member.

Gamble was also interviewed by Reformed Forum which you can listen to here.

Here is the product description:

The Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. This three-volume work offers a comprehensive theology attuned to the methodological advantages of biblical theology combined with the strengths of historical and systematic theology. This volume, the first of three, recounts God’s mighty acts in the Old Testament. It discloses the theology of the Old Testament within the organic, progressive, historical development of the Bible. The author winsomely blends a survey of the entire Old Testament with discussions of topics as diverse as the canon, days of creation, faith and reason, covenants, the Ten Commandments, Old Testament ecclesiology, the nature of God, justification, and Old Testament apologetics.

Here are some endorsements for the book:

“My colleague Richard Gamble has begun a very comprehensive theological project, embracing the disciplines of biblical theology, historical theology, and systematic theology. Nothing comparable in scope has been done in the last hundred years, within the circles of Reformed orthodoxy. Knowing Rick, and having read some of the first volume, I’m convinced that he is the man to do this job. With a doctorate from the University of Basel and an international reputation as a Calvin scholar, Rick has a formidable grasp of theological issues. His theological convictions are thoroughly biblical and Reformed. He’s also a humble man of God who can write winsomely to the hearts of many sorts of readers. I hope this series has wide distribution and great influence in this time of theological confusion.”

– John Frame, Reformed Theological Seminary

“Very few people living today are as capable as Richard Gamble at grasping and expressing the theology of the entire Bible. His work represents decades of reflection on interpretive issues that have perplexed scholars for over a century. He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology. He devotes himself in helpful ways to the unity and diversity of biblical revelation. Yet, throughout this work, he penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every believer faces. I highly recommend this book. You will be glad you read it.

– Richard L. Pratt, Jr. Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary, President, Third Millennium Ministries


While the term Calvinism can stir up a variety of emotions and thoughts, Greg Forster believes that joy should be one of them if not the most preeminent. The bottom line is this, the Calvinistic understanding of salvation is about the grace of God in Christ towards sinners. And this should elicit joyful amens from anyone who claims to have received it!

In his new book, The Joy of Calvinism, Greg Forster seeks to put Calvinism on the ground and flesh out what it looks like for the joyful Christian. This is a unique book because Forster is not a theologian and became an Christian in his adult years. Forster shows the reader that Calvinism is not just for the theologian but for every person who wants to increase their joy in their salvation in Christ.

Recently, Justin Taylor interviewed Greg Forster about The Joy of Calvinism. I strongly encourage you to watch the whole thing as it is very encouraging, insightful and instructing. Then buy the book here for only $8.79!

For the month of March CredoMag is giving away the following books:

  1. Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons by Thabiti Anyabwile
  2. Am I Called?: The Summons to Pastoral Ministry by Dave Harvey
  3. Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Seven Churches by James Hamilton Jr.
  4. Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes by Voddie Baucham

Enter to win here.

Michael Hickerson reviews James K.A. Smith & David I. Smith’s new book Teaching & Christian Practices: Reshaping Faith & Learning.

Peter Enns discusses why he wrote The Evolution of Adam.

Aaron Armstrong reviews the new Cruciform Press book by Joel Beeke Friends and Lovers.

Amazon reviewer David P. Craig reviews the new biography of F.F. Bruce titled F.F. Bruce: A Life.

Crossway has published a 2nd edition of Ken Myers famous book All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes with a new intro and redesigned cover.

Dave Jenkisn reviews Tony Reinke’s new book on reading Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books.

Dave Jenkins reviews Michael Horton’s book Putting Amazing Back Into Grace.

Jimmy Davis is interview about his book Cruciform: Living the Cross Shaped Life.

At the Hiffington Post, Craig Keener answers the question, “Are Miracles Real?”, from his new book Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts.

Over at the Eerword blog, Rachel Bomberger reviews D.A. Carsons new book The Intolerance of Tolerance.

Andy Naselli provides some history behind the new exciting book Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?

Andy Naselli gives a sneak peat at what looks to be an must read on converting to Catholicism, Anglicanism, Evangelicalism and Eastern Orthodoxy in the forthcoming book Journey’s of Faith and Trevin Wax and Chris Castaldo review it.

Over at the Desiring God blog, Jonathan Parnell discusses the tribulation from G.K. Beale’s new book A New Testament Biblical Theology.

Over at Credomag.com, Jared Moore reviews Russell Moore’s still must read book Tempted and Tried.

Credomag interviews Robert Paterson about inclusivism.

Owen Strachan has a good post in response to David Brooks on why true greatness and humility can co-exist, which is a good reason why you should consider reading John Dickson’s book on humility titled Humilitas

Revelation & Inspiration by B.B. Warfield is Logos’ free book of the month for Logos users. Plus enter to win the 20 Volume set of Warfields works!

Scot McKnight discusses the four books that have impacted him the most.

Bob Hayton at Fundamentally Reformed reviews A Life of Gospel Peace: A Biography of Jeremiah Burroughs.

IVP releases its 2nd book in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture Series on Ezekiel & Daniel.

IVP releases the newest volume on Jeremiah in the Ancient Christian Texts series.

IVP’s blog, Behind the Books, interviews Elmer Thiessen about the ethics of evangelism from his new book The Ethics of Evangelism: A Philosophical Defense of Proselytizing and Persuasion.

Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom’s book Cloud of Witnesses by IVP wins the Pollock Award.

Doug Wilson has a new novel out titled Evangellyfish available at Canonpress.org which Joel Miller interviewed Doug about.

James Hamilton reviews Eugene Merrill’s book Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament.

Gregg Allison gave a lecture for the Mars Hill staff on the theology of Scripture. You can pick up his recent book Historical Theology.

James Hamilton discusses the Logos Original Languages Supplement.

James Hamilton interviews Bryan Liftin about his first novel The Sword.

Aaron Armstrong reviews Bryan Lorrits book The Cross-Shaped Life.

At the Gospel Coalition Brian Cosby discusses his new book on youth ministry titles Give Up Gimmicks: Reclaiming Youth Ministry from an Entertainment Culture.

James K. Hoffmeier lectures at the Lanier Theological Library on archaeology and the Exodus.

Alister McGrath lectures at the Lanier Theological Library on the relationship between the Christian faith and the mind stemming from his recent book The Passionate Intellect.

At the Crossway blog Thabiti Anyabwile does a One, Two, Three, Four part series on his conversion from Islam to Christianity which you can read more about in Glory Road: The Journeys of Ten African American into Reformed Christianity.

Shaun Tabatt posts the recent debate between Bart Ehrman and Daniel Wallace on the reliability of the New Testament. You can pick up the DVD of the debate here.

Preaching Today.com announces the winners of their annual book awards. (HT: Andrew Rogers)

Matt Smethurst interviews Eckhard Schnabel about his new book 40 Questions About the End Times.

IVP is hosting a blog tour with a number of their authors reflecting on the season of Lent.

J.D. Greear interviews Michael Kelly about his new book Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal.

Dan Philips reviews the updated version of Martin Lloyd-Jones classic book Spiritual Depression.

Steven Cowan reviews Douglas Groothuis’ new book Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith.

Mike Licona continues to add to his growing list of debates on his Vimeo account.

Jared Compton gives a blurb for James Dunn’s 2nd edition of his book Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Jonathan Dodson, author of the forthcoming book Gospel-Centered Discipleship, has a web site centered around the book.

Wendy Alsup (and her husband), author of Practical Theology for Women, has an insightful review of Mark & Grace Driscoll’s book Real Marriage.

Ed Stetzer posts a quote from Kenneth Kitchen’s classic book On the Reliability of the Old Testament.

Tim Challies reviews Michael Williams new book How to Read the Bible Through the Jesus Lens. Zondervan will also be hosting a blog tour for this book from March 5-9 which I will be taking part in. Michael Williams will also be speaking in chapel at Calvin Theological Seminary on March 6th about the book. Attendance is free on locations and they will be live streaming the event.

Courtney Reissig, from the Her.meneutics blog, interviews Nancy Guthrie about the newest Bible study The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books. (HT: Crossway)

Sally Lloyd-Jones discusses why she wrote her book The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Christian Focus Media highlights a new release by Douglas Webster titled Table Grace: The Role of Hospitality in the Christian Life.

Christian Focus Media highlights a new release titled Just the Way I Am and John Piper provides an introductory video.

In relation to Matt Chandlers much anticipated forthcoming book on the gospel, The Explicit Gospel, Chandler is going to be touring in six cities with Shane & Shane leading worship.

Michael Wittmer, author of Christ Alone, the book length response to Rob Bell’s book Love Wins, has a new book out titled The Last Enemy: Preparing to Win the Fight of Your Life.

Here is a gold mine. TGC has posted over 300 of D.A. Carson’s articles and reviews.

Andy Naselli has also posted a free PDF of D.A. Carson’s assessment of TIS (Theological Interpretation of Scripture) in the recently published book Theological Commentary: Evangelical Perspectives. (HT: Hamilton)

Marc Cortez discusses the struggle some have with reading fiction from Alan Jacobs recent book The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction.

Robert Cornwall reviews the new book The Bible, Disability and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God by Amos Young which is a shorter and more readable version of Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity.

Wayne Grudem and Ian Hamilton have a very helpful debate on the Continuation of Prophecy. (HT: JT) Jesse Johnson at The Cripplegate posts an excerpt from D.A. Carson’s excellent book, Showing the Spirit, in which he makes a case for continuationism (read the whole thing).

Bill Combs discusses the forthcoming NIV MacArthur Study Bible.

Justin Taylor posts two videos of Scott Oliphint discussing Covenental Apologetics and the Doctrine of Scripture. Oliphint has recently written God With Us: Divine Condescension and the Divine Attributes.

Louis, from Baker Books Church Connection, highlights an upcoming introduction to the New Testament by Donald Hanger titled The New Testament: A Historical and Theological Introduction.

Guy Waters reviews William Boekestein’s new book The Quest for Comfort: The Story of the Heidelberg Catechism.

Matthew Barrett, from Credomag.com, discusses the 40 Questions & Answers Series from Kregel and highlights the forthcoming installment titled 40 Questions on Salvation which he is working on with Gregg Allison.

At the Biblical Counseling Coalition blog, Leslie Wiggins reviews Sacred Friendships: Celebrating the Legacy of Women Heroes of the Faith by Bob Kellemen and Susan Ellis.

There is no other book that has been the subject of the most fanciful interpretations than the book of Revelation. Various interpreters throughout the ages have wrestled with how to understand the many foreign and vivid images let alone present to the average Christian what it might mean for their lives. As such, the discussion of the book of Revelation has been dominated by proper interpretive method at the expense of practical and contemporary significance. Revelation was after all written to seven churches and it is for the church today.

With a desire to let the text speak for itself and a level headed approach, James Hamilton Jr. has written the newest commentary in the Preaching the Word series titled Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches. Hamilton is associate professor of biblical theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and pastor of preaching at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.

The structure of the books is simple. Hamilton has preached through Revelation twice so this commentary is the fruit of experience and a desire to bring the truth and relevance of Revelation, amidst its hard to interpret sections, to the everyday life of the contemporary believer. Each chapter is written in the form of a sermon with introduction, main point, a preview of the chapter, the overall context of the section in the book of Revelation, the body of the commentary and then a conclusion to bring it all together.

Because Hamilton is concerned with the practical application of the book, he is not wrapped up in the academic discussion of the various views of Revelation though he does mention them by name at points. Hamilton’s position is historic premillennialism but he does not explicitly push this. He sees the 70th week of Daniel as the present church age and the future millennial kingdom as a period of time that does not necessarily have to be a literal 1,000 years. He sees overlap in the seal, trumpet and bowl judgments such that they are describing more different angels of the same thing over against a sequential description of different judgments. Hamilton touches on many of the points of tension in the various views of Revelation without handling it with a debate mentality. Perhaps the only debate point he does not mention is the idea expressed by pretribulationalists that the Rapture of the church happens before 4:1. Hamilton’s silence on this speaks to his disagreement with this (and I agree) but it would have been nice to see his argument for not agreeing with it.

At the heart of the book is the pastoral desire to bring the message of Revelation to bear on the life of the believer. Hamilton steers clear from newspaper interpretations of the book that seek to read into Scripture what is happening in current world events. Much of the referents in Revelation would have been referring to the seven churches historical situation because it was written to them and their situation. However, though Revelation was written to seven churches it is for the church today.  Hamilton rightly contends that all of Revelation is for the New Testament believer and thus speaks to the churches situation throughout time until Christ returns. Throughout his explanation of the text Hamilton weaves practical application into each chapter and is constantly driving at the spiritual life of the believer. Hamilton expresses a deep desire for Revelation to speak to the heart and mind of the believer.

Though this commentary is focused on the practical aspect of Revelation, Hamilton shows he has done his homework and is up to date with current scholarship. Hamilton shows his grasp and knowledge of the Old Testament as he ably shows the OT roots to much of Revelation. Hamilton also shows his grasp of biblical theology as Revelation is the culmination of redemptive revelation within history and serves as the climax to it all.

At the end of the day, Revelation shows that Christ the King will ultimately triumph over sin and Satan and His inaugurated kingdom will overcome the world and rule for eternity. I highly recommend Hamilton’s Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches as it will be both informative and devotional.

This month Zack Nielsen is giving away three Crossway recent publications:

  1. Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books
  2. The Joy of Calvinism: Knowing God’s Personal, Unconditional, Irresistible, Unbreakable Love
  3. Understanding Scripture: An Overview of the Bible’s Origin, Reliability and Meaning

Enter to win here.

Kregel has released its newest book in the 40 Questions and Answers Series with Eckhard Schnabel’s book 40 Questions About the End Times. This book looks like an even handed approach to many questions Christians have concerning the end times. You can read an interview Matt Smethurst did over at the Gospel Coalition Blog.

To celebrate the release of this new book Kregel is hosting a giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card. Enter to win here.

Zondervan has kindly sent me a review copy of the new book The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach edited by Bryan Chapell. This is not a book on preaching methodology, theology or philosophy. Rather, this is a book that compiles a variety of sermons by contemporary pastors who are known for their relevant and sound preaching. The sections of the book are centered on topics that have proved to be the hardest for pastors to preach on like the death of a child, natural disasters, suicide, miscarriages and more. This book looks to be a great encouragement and guide for pastors who are called upon to preach on these hard subjects.

Today, Zondervan announced its Third Wave of recently released titles through Logos of which The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach is one of them.

Checkout the press release here.

This is the first post in what will hopefully be a weekly post pointing readers to book reviews, author interviews and posts by others related to books new and old.

John Starke interviews D.A. Carson about his new book The Intolernace of Tolerance.

Jay Thomas discusses his new book on sex titled Sex, Dating and Relationships: A Fresh Approach.

Matt Smethurst  and Marcus Glover review Thabiti Anyabwile’s new book Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons.

Matt Smethurst interviews Andreas Kostenberger about his new co-authored book Invitation to Biblical Interpretation.

Matt Smethurst interviews Greg Forster about his new book Joy of Calvinism and Ted Kluck reviews it.

Jared at Christians in Context, Arron Armstrong and Shaun Tabatt from Cross Focused Reviews review The Gospel Story Bible by Marty Machowski.

Dave Jenkins from Servants of grace reviews Andreas Kostenberger’s new book Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue.

Trevin Wax reviews Preachers of a Different Gospel by Femi Adeleye.

At Sharperiron.org Greg Wilson reviews Christ Formed in You by Brian Hedges.

J.D. over at Missional Thinking discusses the new book Rural Church Planting: A Missional Footprint.

Fred Zaspel’s new book Warfield on the Christian Life is now available and Credomag.com has an interview about it as well as Justin Taylor.

Matthew Claridge reviews Rethinking the Trinity and Religious Pluralism over at Credomag.com.

Ed Stetzer interviews Scot McKnight about his recent book The King Jesus Gospel which I reviewed here.

Joshua Greever reviews the great new book Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?: A critical Appraisal to Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture.

Mark Strauss interviews Darrell Bock on his forthcoming book A Theology of Luke and Acts of the highly acclaimed Biblical Theology of the New Testament Series edited by Andreas Kostenberger.  Part1 & Part2 of a five part series are up.

Louis at Baker Book House Church Connections discusses the new Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary.

Phil Johnson discusses the forthcoming NIV MacArthur Study Bible.

Zondervan announces its Third Wave of titles releasing with Logos.

Paul Tripp, the author of Forever: Why You Can’t Live Without It, has made a 5 hour DVD that Westminster is offering for only $5.

There is only one stipulation:

“We think so highly of this DVD that we are offering you $5 off ANY order just to watch this segment (even if you choose not to buy it!). We are trusting your integrity to only use the coupon if you have watched this 10-minute video. To use the coupon, enter “forever” into the coupon code field on the shopping cart page. Limit one per customer. Coupon expires February 22, 2012″

Watch this video and then order the DVD’s here:

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