There is a new exciting commentary series beginning titled The Lectio Continuo Commentary on the New Testament. The series editor is Dr. Jon D. Payne who is a pastor in Georgia and teacher at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta.

There is a web site devoted to this new series which has the list of contributors. The first volume is on Galatians by J.V. Fesko. The next three volumes are scheduled to come out this fall and winter: (1) The Gospel of John by Terry Johnson, (2) First Corinthians by Kim Riddlebarger and (3) First Peter by Jon Payne.

This week Kevin Fiske has been doing a lot of work promoting this new series over at his blog. He has the following three posts available:

  1. An interview with series editor Dr. Jon D. Payne.
  2. An interview with J.V. Fesko on his Galatians commentary.
  3. A review of J.V. Fesko’s commentary on Galatians.

This commentary series looks to be a solid contribution in the field of expository commentaries from a Reformed perspective. Here is the publisher description about the LCECNT:

The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament is a new exegetical commentary series published by Tolle Lege Press. The series will be authored by sixteen ministers from five countries representing ten different Reformed denominations. The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary seeks to be rigorously exegetical, God-centered, redemptive-historical, sin-exposing, Gospel-trumpeting and teeming with practical application. It aims to encourage ministers, elders, seminarians and interested laypeople to rediscover the profound spiritual benefits of systematic expository preaching; that is, the faithful preaching of the “whole counsel of God” — verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book. It also endeavors, by the power of the Spirit, to help Christ’s kingdom disciples to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (II Peter 3:18).