If you are not familiar with Andrew Root you need to be especially if you work with youth in any way in your church. Andrew is a bright, articulate and passionate about teens and theology and has done a lot of work to help youth ministries be more theologically minded and driven. Andrew is a professor of various youth ministry fields, family, friends and culture at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN and  has written some great books already: Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry, The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry and The Children of Divorce: The Loss of Family as the Loss of Being (which I have reviewed here).

In an effort to continue his passion of bringing theology into the youth ministry, Root is writing a four book series with Zondervan titled A Theological Journey Through Youth Ministry. The first two books are coming out tomorrow: Taking Theology to Youth Ministry and Taking the Cross to Youth Ministry. The other two books will come out this December: Unlocking Mission and Eschatology in Youth Ministry and Unpacking Scripture in Youth Ministry.

I strongly recommend you check out these books if you work with teens or pick them up for the youth workers in your church.