Sexual Sanity for MenGod created mankind as sexual beings – both man and women. It is through our sexuality that we are able to fulfill part of the creation mandate to “be fruitful and multiply.” If we look at human sexuality within our world today we quickly realize that our sexuality is broken and marred. It is not as it should be. Sin has marred our sexuality and we carry it wherever we go. As sexual beings we rightly long for sex but we also realize that something is wrong, very wrong. In short, because of sin we are sexually insane.

There is no adult, teenager, and these days, almost no child, who has not been effected in a negative way in regards to their sexuality. From sexual abuse, unsolicited exposure to porn, to prostitution and porn addiction, every person’s sexuality has been affected by sin. We are all in some way touched by sexual sin and we are all in need of healing. One cannot get past the first book of the Bible without seeing the sexual sins of Gods people. Even king Solomon, in all his wisdom, was no match for sexual sins.

New Growth Press has recently published two resources for helping people deal with their sexual brokenness. Sexual Sanity of Men: Re-Creating Your Mind In A Crazy Culture by David White and Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing From Sexual & Relational Brokenness Ed. by Ellen Dykas are two workbook/devotional style books to help walk people through their sexual issues and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear on their lives.

As White points out, “Sexual sin is an equal opportunity pathogen of the soul.” (SSM, p. 2) While the focus on sexual sins is more often focused on men, women struggle with it as well. Dykas writes, “Women are sexual beings just as much as men are. However, they often experience an even ‘louder silence’ regarding their sexual sin and temptation.” (SSW, p. 1) Both men and women need the gospel applied to their sexuality.

These books are written more so as workbooks. Both books follow a daily pattern with a few pages of content followed by reflection questions. SSM is broken into 4 sections over fourteen weeks with devotionals for five days each week. SSW has twenty weeks of material. While a person can go through the books alone, they are really designed to be worked through in small groups. SSW is especially designed for this as each weeks session is formatted like a Bible study lesson guide.

These books pull no punches in terms of their brutal honesty about the damaging effects of sexual sins, done to us and by us, on our sexuality. In the beginning of SSM White opens up with a jarring description of how sexual sin can destroy us,

Sexual sin brings desolation. It promises excitement and pleasure, but delivers discontent and insatiable craving, often bringing ruin to God’s blessings: family, friendships, vocation, and health. It leads to an insane life. (p. 8)

As both books point out, sexual sins, like all sin, offer to the seeker things that it cannot deliver. There are many reasons why men and Sexual Sanity for Womenwomen run to sexual sins to fulfill but in the end find that they are right back where they started – wanting. But we would be remiss to think that these are just books telling us about the broken state our sexuality is in. No, these books walk the reader through the reality of their sexual insanity right into the sanity the gospel brings. SSW describes for us the hope the gospel brings to our broken sexuality,

The Christian life is compared to a marathon – it is a race finished by someone who keeps a steady pace toward the finish line. Our journey of growth as women desiring to be like Jesus in our relationships and sexuality is a lot like running a marathon. We must persevere and beware of temptations to quit or get sidetracked. We will be encouraged as we run alongside others heading toward the same finish line. We will be enabled to endure as we set our hope in Christ, fixing our desires upon him. He is with us in the journey, and he will welcome us home when the race is done! (p. 161)

Slowly and steadily the gospel will do its work in our lives in all areas including our sexuality.

Sexual Sanity for Men and Sexual Sanity for Women are just the kind of books the church needs to offer to God’s people. Though not to be replaced with professional counseling for those who may need it, these books present God’s good news of the gospel to the bad news of our sexual brokenness.

There is no one who these books are not for. These books are useful for anyone from the most sexually promiscuous to the prudish among God’s people. There is hope and there is healing for our sexual brokenness and these books show us the way.

NOTE: I received these books for free from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review. I was under no obligation to provide a favorable review and the words and thoughts expressed are my own.

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